Why Even R. Kelly Deserves Defense in America

    R. Kelly is in the news yet again after being hit with a slew of new charges. These charges came coincidentally while Jeffery Epstein and Harvey Weinstein were in the news for their allegations, almost as if to divert the news cycle.  While some people and groups are rubbing their hands together in the hopes that R. Kelly will finally be thrown in jail, other critical thinkers not allowing themselves to be emotionally roped into the public theater might be noticing the truth. The truth is that America has sneakily returned to Jim Crow era tar and feathering of black male targets. Because of his reputation and past shenanigans with under-aged women, R. Kelly is easy low hanging fruit in #metoo America, and they want him at all costs.  Loving him or hating him is irrelevant; something isn’t quite right with these new charges. And not caring because, “well…it’s R. Kelly”, demotes you to the wrong side of history not understanding the complexity of the issue. There’s a problem.

    This is in no way excusing R. Kelly of anything, but let’s be very, very real: R. Kelly’s perverted transgressions are no different than that of Elvis, Ted Nugent, Steven Tyler, David Bowie, Jimmy Page or Mick Jagger, to name a few, but only Kelly is looking at serious time in prison. Again, I told you no lies. All the men I just mentioned routinely preyed upon and slept with children—groupies who ranged in age from 13-18 in their day, but we have been programmed to zone in on R. Kelly as if he was the first and only. Throw stones at R. Kelly if you wish, but I’d bet most people in America are not willing to show their Spotify playlists while they do. At any rate and his reputation aside, a serious look into the charges expose quite a few problems, in addition to the fact that this too was assisted by media sensationalism and popular opinion. Like all the aforementioned men, they can no longer arrest Kelly for sleeping with under-aged women, but we are watching the system jump through hoops trying to whip up new charges for already dead cases. On top of this, they are adding things that aren’t even true.

    R. Kelly is one of 3 men that full blown documentaries were made about highlighting alleged sex crimes. Think what you will but at some point, rational people need to understand that this is not crime fighting, done to seek justice, or actions taken for the greater good. These are racist COINTELPRO agendas. One has to be able to think past emotion and the hate for Kelly they have in order to see it. For many, however, they simply don’t want to.

    People are still not even aware that these anti-black agendas exist, but they do. If it’s not already evident, these agendas targeting black celebrities, athletes, politicians and leaders have been in place and have already been exposed in the 1970s. These exposed agencies declared them over in 1971, but are we to believe the same agencies that were lying and hiding these agendas in the first place? America has simply reverted back to fulfilling the same agendas under different covers. Although most media outlets are only comfortable admitting the FBI routinely targeted black activists, they are reluctant to admit they have also been covertly targeting black people and celebrities to destroy legacies, black wealth and to keep black criminality in the forefront of America’s consciousness. Win or lose in court, R. Kelly is now a new boogie man effigy who’s legacy is destroyed irreparably, he will not be able to earn money with the nation literally programmed to loath him and he will bleed out his wealth toward legal fees.

    Jackson, Janine. “'The FBI Appears to Be Engaged in a Modern-Day Version of COINTELPRO'.” Fair.org, 19 Apr. 2019, fair.org/home/the-fbi-appears-to-be-engaged-in-a-modern-day-version-of-cointelpro/.

    Nothing New Under the Sun

    Like the days of boxing legend Jack Johnson, who was pardoned by Trump posthumously in 2018, America has returned to an era in which straight black male celebrities need to be on high alert—ask Cuba Gooding, Jr. The well respected and highly acclaimed actor was cuffed and perp walked on national TV because of a stalker who followed him and pretty much made up a sexual assault story. Because people keep eating up the stories the evil agenda ridden mainstream media dishes out, and because we keep allowing the powers that be to mistreat people we believe are guilty, the proverbial line continues to be moved back and more people will be violated. People do not understand the nature of the beast they’re toying with and simply do not learn to stop participating.

    These days they’ve accomplished anti-black COINTELPRO agendas even more covertly than the days of old which is why it is more demented and dangerous. In fact, the programming and social engineering is so powerful that good people who aren’t racist, including scores of black people are now the ones leading the charges. People who simply do not see the chess board they’re standing on and who don’t know any better.

    Right before our eyes we watched corporations produce salacious documentaries primarily only about accused famous black men. Sure, many men of all races are feeling the heat, and with good reason. However, out of Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, Roger Ailes, Matt Lauer, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffery Epstein, Bill Clinton—and yes even our president Donald Trump, with some already admittedly guilty of what was alleged, Hollywood only produced robust TV specials and documentaries about Bill Cosby, R. Kelly and Michael Jackson. Two of the documentaries even won awards even though all of the aforementioned documentaries are full of erroneous and provably false information. And no, that’s not just an opinion. This can be discerned quite easily after any reasonable review of the evidence. None of the documentaries were truthful. Each of these “documentaries” cultivated lies and exaggerations to portray these men as villains for ratings. Regardless, as soon as the public turns on these men—literally because of media and television shows offering zero evidence, the baton is now being handed off to law enforcement while the emotions of the impressionable public are high. This is serious.

    Now with some of these high-profile cases, lawyers and law enforcement agencies don’t even have actual crimes on the table. Dealing solely with old rumors and media murmurings, they simply keep digging, reaching and grasping at straws until they finally make charges stick. They managed to convict Bill Cosby with no evidence for decades old allegations when he was 81 years old and now they are reeling in R. Kelly full speed ahead.

    Analyzing the Charges

    What had my spider sense going wild was how weak the initial charges were and that they seemed to keep changing. It’s almost as though they knew they didn’t have anything substantial so they started throwing everything at R. Kelly. He was literally even charged with forcing women to call him “Daddy”, which is absolutely ridiculous. They also went for a charge of transporting underaged women across state lines, which was eerily similar to a Jack Johnson charge, which should have been a blaring red flag for everyone. They eventually decided on a child pornography angle and proceeded to lay it on thick with multiple charges all based on alleged videos with him with underaged women.

    In their abnormal lust to indict Kelly on something, law enforcement obviously already knew it was illegal to keep trying him for the same allegations as that is “double jeopardy”, that’s why they creatively went with the child pornography angle. So…his ex-staff members allegedly have 20-year-old tapes of him having sex with minors—in digital format? And if so, aren’t they the one’s guilty of not reporting a crime and possessing child porn—if they are even real? And for something over 20 years old that didn’t reach court the entire decade it allegedly happened, they are trying to produce charges and get him in jail now? I’m all about apprehending criminals but this R. Kelly situation is not right. This is a money grab from ratchet and pathetic opportunists working with a racist media, greedy lawyers and corrupt law enforcement agencies looking for trophies.

    Making matters worse, the media and groups of our day have successfully condemned using common sense, being objective or being reasonable. We are all instructed to just believe accusers because groups insist they never lie. And should anyone put up a finger and point out any very serious contradictions to what some accusers are alleging, while some of them are simultaneously being compensated by media outlets, feminist groups and media personalities leap in to bully and reprimand anyone attempting to revive due process or now passé and ancient concepts like innocence until proven guilt.

    The #metoo movement has successfully taken down lots of Hollywood creeps and perverts—-but when you really think about it, men who weren’t necessarily criminals. And as men nationwide are feeling the brunt of the #metoo movement, America all but declared jihad on famous black men.

    Why Defend R. Kelly?

    No, I never liked putting R. Kelly in league with Bill Cosby who I feel was wronged and falsely accused, but guess what—-that is exactly how many Michael Jackson fans feel about Bill Cosby. In defending MJ, many fans distance themselves from the Cosby fiasco. Many of them feel Bill Cosby is guilty but Jackson was framed by the media not even seeing the painfully obvious similarities. Now…do you see how this game works? Society needs to finally learn the point that I keep making which is “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. None of these slanderous documentaries would be successful if we as a nation took a stand against all of them because they were all ethically wrong and full of provably erroneous information. Allegations are for the courts, not fodder for television shows without due process. And because we allowed even one, allowing ourselves to drink the Kool-Aid, the rest came following. Enough with the picking and choosing which celebrity matters to us personally. We need to check our emotions at the door, unite because of the principle, and defend anyone whose rights are being violated, or when what is being said about them isn’t true despite our emotions, opinions or biases.

    Let’s dig deeper and go into what’s really happening here: I feel both Bill Cosby and Michael Jackson were targeted and slandered by the media. These 2 men were, in fact, falsely accused and certain media outlets went to great lengths painting a picture of guilt despite the facts and evidence. R. Kelly, however, is no angel. In the past he did routinely prey upon underaged girls. However, in this instance a little “whataboutism” is justified because it pertains to the law of the land that is supposed to apply to everyone. None of us should be OK with separate Americas with separate systems of justice; a system that is overzealous and overly aggressive for some, and nearly nonexistent for others. In addition to that, trust and believe all of the other allegations against Kelly like sex trafficking, making minors work, holding sex slaves hostage—yes, all of that was completely exaggerated and fabricated nonsense. Most of the garbage put out about R. Kelly is once again given to us by some of our demonic American media platforms making things up and slandering as usual. A lot of what is being hurled at him—yes even him—is simply not true. We all need to stop being emotional and ignorant. Yes, even R. Kelly needs to be defended against unfair selective outrage and lies. And if we don’t put a stop to this, the train of injustice will keep moving on to new targets that some of us won’t like. Black targets are getting it, but so are corporate and political targets too.

    It’s not just about defending R. Kelly, it’s about defending all of our constitutional rights and having enough sense to not let certain injustices become precedents that can be rolled out again against anyone else. What we sat back and allowed to happen to Bill Cosby is now a prototype being rolled out against lots of people.  This is Orwell’s America now. They can make a documentary full of salacious exaggerations about anyone, at any moment. And most of the emotional non-thinking population will start reaching for their pitch forks every time and agree to scrap the rights of the targeted, not understanding the real implications and consequences for doing so. For example, and it must be stated again and again, the documentary about Michael Jackson, Leaving Neverland, was disproved and discredited by European press the same week it was released—-and people still chose to run with it anyway. This simply cannot continue as normal. Today’s landscape is psychotic.

    Unfortunately, too many people in society will not be able to get past their emotions in order to think clearly enough to see the real picture here. If anyone dares offer a defense for R. Kelly, socially engineered harpies under mind control may jump down your throat saying things like, “So you’re actually defending R. Kelly?” Or things like, “So because other predators got away, that means he has to get away too?” And those are exactly some of the questions intelligence agencies want people to ask as they covertly and strategically fortify 2 Americas in which justice and fairness is only awarded to some of us. Like days of old, public disdain for R. Kelly through the media has already taken its course. Indeed, R. Kelly has quite a few things to atone for, but he is being singled out and publicly lynched while the real villains are still hiding behind the curtains. To rejoice in his dragging is to unwittingly take part in a demonic old American pastime that needs to end now.

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