Was Biden’s 100 days of Masks Ever Based on Science?

    When Biden was selected into office, he pledged to implement 100 days of mask wearing to fight COVID. And those who believe in the things he says were all very enthusiastically on board. However, although the masses seem to overwhelmingly believe in the efficacy of masks and Biden’s intentions, there was never conclusive peer-reviewed scientific data showing mask usage effective in bringing COVID numbers down before, during, or after Biden’s 100-day pledge. Regardless, we are in a very socially engineered era in which the masses are routinely following orders without requiring proven scientific justifications. The majority opinion seems compromised, programmed, and obedient to mandates and recommendations coming from the health organizations in the belief the decisions are trustable and for the greater good. However, when taking a closer look it may become clearer that public health may not have been priority number 1 after all.

    Biden’s mask pledge began when he was inaugurated on January 20, 2021, which would make the 100th day April 30th. Despite programmed popular opinion, there still isn’t any evidence showing mask usage as effective save for politicians, and corporate science shills still telling us the experts and “the science” say so. Where is that “science”? And when is mask-wearing no longer required? Biden never informed us if the masks were no longer necessary after April 30th, nor did he aphoristically update the nation on the success or failure of mask-wearing specifically. This is because he most likely never intended to. It seems very much like adherence to the strategy of moving the goalpost back repeatedly, in the same way governors and mayors were extending lockdowns early on.

    In addition to Biden’s 100 days in office gone at this point, he is allegedly fully vaccinated as is most of his staff. Periodicals are now beginning to wonder and ask why Biden is still a spectacle wearing masks in awkward moments like video calls, and even outside where transmission threat is pretty much non-existent.

    Yahoo! News writes, “In an average day at the office, the president and everyone he meets is vaccinated, which — were he following current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance — should mean no masks.”

    “So why is Biden still so often wearing a mask? This man even masks outdoors, where the risk of transmission is essentially nil, and on video calls with no one sitting near him.”

    Yahoo! News
    Biden appears to be one of the only leaders in a mask at a virtual climate summit.

    Let’s get to the truth; Long before Biden was put in to office, there were murmurings of his mask idea and it was discussed and tossed around even as COVID case numbers were steadily dropping. The 100 days of masks was most likely never a science-based decision. It was a planned decision made in conjunction with the main objective—which was always mass vaccination. In December 2020 Biden said, “[My administration will get] at least 100 million COVID vaccine shots into the arms of the American people in the first 100 days.” So during the 100 days of mask wearing, Biden simultaneously wanted to vaccinate at least 100 million people. The playbook is very simple: With restrictions and mask mandates in place, vaccination would be presented as a golden ticket freeing people from these inconveniences and a return to normalcy. Biden’s mask wearing pledge was tethered to the real agenda of vaccinating as many Americans as possible.

    Biden’s commitment to wearing masks even when according to the ever-changing word of “the experts”, he doesn’t have to, exposes what he is and what he’s doing. He’s a politician grandstanding, virtue signaling, and pushing agendas. And he may never stop promoting mask usage, not because he’s concerned about bringing numbers down, but because the forces directing his administration are reluctant to remove restrictions or any inconveniences until the very last American citizen is inoculated. Still committed to it and sporting it during odd moments that he clearly doesn’t have to, it’s not very hard to see through Biden’s mask at all.

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      1. nssm 200 1974… 1976 bush cia director… 1948 bush & John Grady graduate yale together & are DKE brothers. John Grady is the son of ambassador Henry F. Grady who was working with Prewcot and the Harrimans… John’s children christine fauci and rob grady have gone on to run hiv/aids scam and now the covid19 scam…..

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