Usain Bolt Learns He’s COVID Positive from “Social Media”

    Track legend Usain Bolt announced on Instagram that he learned he was COVID positive. There’s only one problem, he said he first learned of his COVID status from “social media”. Why is this peculiar? Well, because no one, celebrity or not, finds out about their personal health information from the internet. This is one of several COVID stories announced since March 2020 that don’t make a lot of sense. Regardless, the odd celebrity coronavirus announcements keep coming.

    On Bolt’s Instagram comment thread it seems that no one was asking the questions that should have been asked. How did his medical status, if true, get leaked out to the internet before he was informed? There literally are laws against this. What if it were herpes or HIV? Confidential medical results from tests do not inexplicably end up on websites or social media without someone’s knowledge. Normally, if someone’s medical condition ended up in the media, this would be a very serious issue and the person who leaked the information of such a high-profile person would be tracked. When it comes to COVID, however, it seems like anything goes and anything is possible.

    Strangely, however, Bolt did not seem the least bit phased by the very unlikely scenario. Even if his agent or handlers were first to hear the information, at some point he would—or should have been of the first in line to know before it hit the internet. Regardless, Bolt joins a long list of celebrities to publicly announce their COVID positive status.

    In March and April 2020, most of the world was very afraid, so the announcements were understandable. At this point, however, we know that the coronavirus survival rate is 99.95%. Just about all the celebrities and public people who made announcements all turned out to be ok so these cryptic announcements are not very warranted anymore. And with no symptoms of sickness at all, and overwhelming reports of false positives internationally, Bolt’s Instagram announcement should not really be news.

    Team, FOX TV Digital. “FDA Warns Labs about High Risk of False Positives from Medical Company’s COVID-19 Test.” FOX6 News Milwaukee, FOX6 News Milwaukee, 29 July 2020,

    Bolt spoke of no doctors or medical staff. He claimed to learn of his condition via social media and did not say he reached out to any medical facility after discovering his positive status. Instead, he said he will “wait for further confirmation”. So “social media” posted an unconfirmed COVID positive test result? And after learning his diagnosis from the internet he’s now waiting for instruction? At any rate, Bolt said he was tested and has no symptoms, but now that social media told him he has COVID, he will be “responsible” and quarantine himself.  

    Fortunately, Jamaica never had a serious coronavirus issue with only about 16 deaths according to Johns Hopkins University. However, news of Usain Bolt’s test results came just as the WHO started to report of cases rising in the country. In truth, however, many of these “surges” are merely the result of beefed-up rigorous testing of these provably problematic tests.

    Some media outlets were also quick to blame the alleged surge in COVID-19 cases due to the lack of face mask usage even though there are no peer-reviewed scientific studies showing that masks curb the spread of anything. The decision to wear face masks is coming primarily via the insistence of the WHO and CDC. This is why some countries like the Netherlands, have refused to mandate masks and are not experiencing the numbers other countries like the United States are.

    Burrows, Thomas. “Face Masks Are ‘NOT Necessary’ & May Harm Fight, Say Holland’s Top Scientists.” The Sun, The Sun, 3 Aug. 2020,

    Sad to say but 2020 has been one for the books, and COVID stories coming from corporate mainstream media, and especially ones involving celebrities in today’s world need to be taken with a grain of salt.

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