Truth: Jussie Smollett is Charged but He’s Far From Alone

    There is something to be learned in every situation, including and especially bad ones. And yes, there is something to be learned from what Jussie Smollett allegedly did. Jussie Smollett has been officially criminally charged for concocting his story. In an era in which the masses “just believe” allegations pumped in the media, perhaps this is a sobering moment to remind everyone to finally start respecting due process and legal protocol. This may be a moment to remind us not to just demonize one man, but to let society at large realize that we are too dangerously immersed in victim culture. There are many very public fake victims being believed this very moment and they are symptoms of our new victim culture in which we lionize and reward victimhood. Jussie Smollett proved that people, corporate controlled celebrities and the masses will enthusiastically support liars because they are emotionally drawn to the story, and will protect it at all costs despite what the evidence or lack of it is showing them. And this is a societal lesson learned long overdue. What’s happening to Smollett may be a cautionary tale and a gift in disguise.

    To be honest, I never believed Smollett’s story, but I live in societal prison in which we are not allowed to publicly say what we feel; we who use logic, reason and critical thinking. Many people these days form their beliefs from their emotions and from what they are told from media sources or political group affiliations. “Why would he lie about this?”, I kept hearing people say. The confused elect themselves detectives and don’t understand when they are thinking backward; you analyze the evidence then determine a motive. You do not conjure up a motive first, and if you can’t think of anything, insist the person is innocent. People enthusiastically wanted to believe Smollett’s story because it supported a belief set. Trump is the bad guy and more of his minions in MAGA hats terrorized a gay black citizen. A two-for, if you will. It was juicy and the liberal media was ready to go full speed ahead with the story. However, Smollett, and whoever else was behind this, underestimated the people this time. The story never added up.

    Regarding other famous people and cases, I often wrote about inconsistencies coming from accusers. Whenever a person alleging to be a victim of a crime has inconsistent testimony, that is a huge red flag that the individual is probably not telling the truth. And if that person with inconsistent testimony ever brought someone to trial, normally they would not win because they wouldn’t be proving their case “beyond a reasonable doubt”. Society needs to learn this with finality.

    The Fake Victim Parade

    In other well-known cases, Andrea Constand and Wade Robson are also plagued with lots of inconsistencies. They too, claim to be victims, but many times had different variations to their stories. People who are real victims telling the truth never drastically change up their stories. It’s time that the public at large understand this, and never forget it.  Despite swapping details in and out of their stories literally for years, the media still robustly assisted both Wade Robson and Andrea Constand. Although most people see right through Wade Robson and view him as an opportunist, some people do believe him because they want to believe him. No, he should not be believed because his story doesn’t add up either. He already perjured himself in court and changed his story around simultaneously while repeatedly seeking money from Jackson’s estate. So, although Wade Robson isn’t getting much traction because of justified skepticism, he’s still being assisted by HBO anyway.

    Andrea Constand, just as sketchy as Robson, still skated right through with the full support of the public. Andrea Constand never had to explain kissing, petting, and make-out sessions with Cosby on multiple occasions before the alleged incident. I’d bet most people still don’t even know about that. Constand never had to explain her decision to go to a married man’s home alone at night to drink wine. She never had to explain recording his conversations or the fact that she kept calling him and asked for favors both before and after the alleged incident. She never had to explain that she was the one that baited him into giving her Benadryl after she told him she didn’t feel well. She never had to explain why she kept on changing her story to match her phone records that she gave to the police. This is no slandering; according to the facts Constand did not tell the truth and had several problematic inconsistencies. Regardless, she was assisted by a system hell-bent on getting Bill Cosby and her weak allegation still somehow landed Bill Cosby in jail—beyond a reasonable doubt. On this issue, society is still lost in space and still does not realize what it just did. This is where we are in America today. There was no evidence and the story was weak and inconsistent. Regardless, people and survivors of sexual assault emotionally wanted to believe Constand and other fake “victims” because it supported a narrative. So, before we start dragging Smollett, we should know he’s very small potatoes as far as scandals are concerned. There are “Jussie Smollett’s” out there who actually pulled it off. We have a man in jail and another legend being slandered in a documentary because of liars who really should be thrown in prison. These people are far worse than Jussie Smollett.

    The Smollett Story

    Smollett said he was attacked by people in MAGA hats. Then it became people in ski masks. Then it became people in ski masks and MAGA hats. And he alleged that they shouted racist and anti-gay slurs and yelled that it was “MAGA country”. Downtown Chicago isn’t MAGA country.  That area of Chicago is actually one of the most liberal places in the United States.  So, there was that problem. Smollett also claimed he was beaten up, a noose was tied around his neck and bleach was poured on him. However, people couldn’t understand how 2 thugs were prowling around at 2 am during a polar vortex, with bleach and a noose. And in Chicago?

    The nail in the coffin was when Smollett insisted the men in the surveillance video were his attackers. He doubled down on that. And he had to because there was no one else out at that time seen in any footage. They turned out to be 2 black Nigerians, one worked on his show “Empire”. So, 2 black guys who are not Americans, that he happens to know, shouted racist slurs and shouted that this was “MAGA country”? People still hung in there with Jussie to the very end, because again, people wanted to believe him and support him. Our emotions can deceive us. It’s time for people to start believing in evidence.

    The Lesson to be Learned

    Again, Jussie Smollett is not alone. The only reason Jussie Smollett’s story came undone is because of a full investigation into something that allegedly just happened. Jussie Smollett also inadvertently showed us why we have a statute of limitations, that ironically people are working very hard to get rid of. Smollett inadvertently showed us the reason why we should not be accepting allegations from people who did not report their crimes, but choose to come back decades later while being compensated by the media for their stories. When a crime happens, police can investigate within days of the crime and apprehend the culprit rather quickly. They can collect the evidence necessary and build the case.  After ten years, however, police can no longer give proper investigations as easily. When a crime happens, the evidence is still hot the entire year that it happened. Things can easily be checked and verified. Whereabouts can be confirmed. A crime can be solved easily even 3-5 years after the incident. After a decade, however, it’s no longer fair to the accused because the person can no longer sufficiently defend themselves. Because of EVIDENCE, the truth gets exposed in either direction. When a crime is properly reported within a reasonable time frame, criminals get brought to justice, or liars get exposed. Unfortunately for Smollett, a proper investigation bagged the real person of interest.

    People don’t want to face the truth when they’re too used to the lies. And the truth is that what the police did with Smollett would’ve upended several Cosby accusers the exact same way. People will never believe or admit that, but that is the truth. I know because I did it myself. It’s called critical thought and looking at evidence, not just allowing ourselves to be emotionally pulled into stories peddled by mainstream media, stories that fit a promoted narrative of the times.  At this point, people are under the spell of media indoctrination and are collectively too programmed to let the fiction they chose to believe go now.

    In a culture that truly respected and adhered to the law of the land Justin Fairfax’s accusers, and many of the people being believed and supported would have all fallen by the wayside too. Brett Kavanaugh’s allegations even if believed, wouldn’t be aggressively resurrected. I’m not fond of him at all, but the law is not about our emotions or what we think; blindsiding any citizen with 30-year-old allegations that can never be properly investigated should be discouraged in a society of law and order. Wade Robson would never irresponsibly be given corporate platforms to spew inconsistent allegations when he already perjured himself in a court of law. We are languishing in an era of lionized victimhood. And as we keep seeing a steady of stream of people coming forward as “victims”, understand this is becoming pervasive because accusers now have a “just believe” culture wind at their back. When they “recall” shoddy inconsistent details about something already over a decade old, they are coddled and told they are being brave. When we ask reasonable questions, we are commanded not to “victim blame”.

    So, while we all watch the spectacle Jussie Smollett created for himself, let’s cut him some slack. He is dead wrong if what he did is true, but at least his lies didn’t ruin someone’s life, destroy a legacy, humiliate families, cost someone their job or push anyone in jail. Smollett is one of several self-serving liars and he has inadvertently shown us why critical thinking is important. Because of the pervasive lack of scrutiny into allegations, there are greater liars still at large, and perhaps still more to come. Dragging Jussie Smollett alone is simply more very selective outrage.

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