Insane Clown Posse Threatens Bill Cosby After Watching Docuseries

    A sad thing happens to many music artists and bands when they age and begin to lose relevancy. Groups like The Insane Clown Posse, past their heyday, sometimes start to become out of touch, corny, misinformed agents for the corporatocracy we live in. And many clamoring to stay relevant may eventually do and say things embarrassingly on the wrong side of history.  With facetious threats to Bill Cosby’s life after watching Showtime’s problematic propaganda attack piece, “We Need to Talk About Cosby”, The Insane Clown Posse did just that. If and when these aging performers ever learn what really happened with the Cosby saga, they may one day understand that their misguided, half-cocked tweets will not age well.

    The Media Sexual Assault Industry

    To understand the gravity of the evil happening right now and how the Insane Clown Posse participated with it, one first must understand the current playing field. Much of mainstream media, already struggling with telling the truth about anything, is in a covert war against black America and black American icons. That said, Showtime’s “We Need to Talk About Cosby”, is another “Leaving Neverland”. Like “Leaving Neverland”, this Cosby “documentary” is another libelous, evidence-less, fake “documentary” that targets someone who has not been convicted of what he was accused of, featuring the account of people, many of whom do not have consistent stories. This was another documentary targeting another accused black icon in order to capitalize on our new victim culture and sexual assault industry. In this new weird form of gynocentrism, women only need to point a finger, and the account is taken as fact. History shows us that this is a terrible precedent. Regardless, here we are.

    Powerful covert entities and the mainstream media tried and failed to convict Cosby in the real courts, so they keep pumping lots of money into controlling the court of public opinion. Many mainstream platforms had an obsessive vested interest in making the masses believe he is a serial rapist, even though he wasn’t even accused or charged with rape by the vast majority of his accusers who refer to themselves as “survivors”. Most of Cosby’s accusers, many of them caught in lies and discredited behind the scenes, provided no evidence for their claims, and many were paid by media outlets for their stories.

    The Insane Clown Posse inadvertently has shown us how dangerous the times we live in are and that we are literally living in days akin to the movie Idiocrasy. Facts, evidence, and due process be damned, established bands can watch television, and then irresponsibly post what could be perceived as death threats to a man in his 80s being targeted by mainstream media, to the delight of mindless followers who are just as indoctrinated. The whole scene was a very bad sign of our morally confused times.

    Ethics Over Emotions

    To those who still care about the law of the land, the truth, and the facts; Bill Cosby was not convicted of anything. His case, which was about alleged sexual assault (NOT RAPE), has been overturned. And to this day there is still no evidence proving his guilt of anything. There are only a plethora of unsubstantiated inconsistent claims beefed up by the #metoo movement and liberal mainstream media parading accusers onto television without due process. So no, yellow journalism “documentaries” like “We Need to Talk About Cosby”, never should have been made and aired in the first place. And The Insane Clown Posse should restrict their attempts at relevancy to subjects more in their league.

    The Insane Clown Posse spoke of wanting to send Cosby to hell sooner, but they really need to watch the words they spew for what may come back around. They know nothing, including who really is the damned. In other words, those who swirl in abject ignorance and enthusiastically cooperate with forces of evil are the ones who should be worried about that.

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