Harvey Weinstein Still Relaxing in Bellevue Hospital

    Harvey Weinstein, who is supposed to be in Rikers Island as of February 24th, is reportedly still lounging in Bellevue Hospital. Weinstein who suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure was rerouted from Rikers to Bellevue after claims of chest pain and heart palpitations.

    Pictures surfaced of Weinstein in his prison ward sitting in a leather chair watching television. Weinstein’s current location is still not a cushy situation by any means, but far better than where he is supposed to be. He is currently in a bare room with a coverless stainless-steel toilet seat with guards stationed outside. However, his room has large windows and he’s able to move around and make phone calls from a common area. He is most likely trying to remain there as long as possible until his sentencing on March 11th. His lawyers intend to appeal.

    At times Weinstein appears visibly stressed. He has made it very clear due to many concerns that he does not want to be moved to Rikers Island as he fears an Epstein-like situation. Regardless, that decision is not up to him and he will learn his fate when he sees the judge next.

    A frequent visitor who remained by his side during the trial and even now is William Currao a retired physician and Weinstein’s old college roommate.

    Although Weinstein manipulated many women and lured them in for sex, he does have a strong case for appeal. Empirical evidence shows he preyed upon women, but not necessarily that he raped or assaulted them against their will as many of his accusers voluntarily kept in contact with him and sustained relationships. However, due to the #metoo pressure of the times, the jury ignored that very problematic aspect to many of the allegations. In fact, one of the accusers admitted to voluntary sex with him after the first incident but claimed it was under duress.

    Weinstein is free to roam around not handcuffed and is walking with the aid of a wheelchair. He is using the wheelchair after being forced to part with his walker that he was seen with during his trial.  

    After his sentencing, Weinstein will learn what his fate is, what his options are and what his next move will be.

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