There seems to be an aggressive global push for vaccines. And wherever vaccines go, there seems to be lots of local dissension, concerns and rumors that there is some sort of adverse reaction respective to that part of the world. There are many, but in the States the main fear is autism. In Rwanda and some parts of Africa, its infertility. Regardless of societal rumors and fears that the vaccines are causing developmental disabilities, infertility and even deaths, in 2010 pharmaceutical giant Merck was still able to make an agreement with the Rwandan government to begin vaccinating all girls through the National Cervical Cancer Prevention Program. However, some Rwandan citizens aren’t very happy.
Although there was reluctance from the locals to accept the vaccinations, Rwanda became the first African country to launch an aggressive vaccination program like the National Cervical Cancer Prevention Program. To combat the local hesitance Rwanda enlisted an army of educators, community health workers, nurses, and church leaders to convince the people the vaccine was safe and that its normalization was necessary. Now over 90% of Rwandan girls get the HPV vaccination shot. However, as the people are noticing varying adverse reactions, the reactions are being blamed on other variables or explained as very rare but necessary possible risks for the greater good.
While Rwandans are wrestling with possible complications resulting from the HPV shot, in Kenya the tetanus shot has been sponsored by the government causing a similar debate. In Kenya, there are factions of people and organizations including the Catholic Church, claiming that the tetanus vaccines did in fact cause miscarriages and infertility. In September of 2017 APA News in Kenya reported that at least 500,000 young girls and women may be infertile, following a tetanus vaccine administered by the government in 2014 and 2015. The Catholic Church in Kenya claimed that the tetanus vaccine used by the government of Kenya and UN agencies was contaminated with a hormone (hCG) which could be the cause of the infertility and miscarriages. Kenya’s opposition leader Raila Odinga spoke out saying, “The Church’s position was informed by what had happened in Mexico, Nicaragua and Philippines, where the various governments together with WHO/UNICEF had conducted similar campaigns using tetanus toxoid impregnated with beta human chorionic gonadotropin (BhCG) that causes permanent infertility among girls and women.”
Despite the growing concerns and reports of ailments and adverse reactions, the WHO, UNICEF, and the CDC consistently deflect these claims and insist vaccinations are safe and needed. Simultaneously, most mainstream media outlets in all of these countries echo the same sentiments and repudiate any vaccine skepticism.
The Fight From Africa to America

In the United States a similar scenario is also being experienced. While vaccines are in hot debate, the counter-argument to vaccination has been almost completely blocked and literally—censored. In a land once known for its unparalleled freedoms, social media content creators are no longer allowed to post anti-vaccination videos or content without the punishment of demonetization because they are considered “dangerous” by the corporate entities that own the platforms. And while just about all of the information is currently one-sided in favor of vaccination and subsidized by the pharmaceutical industry giants, US cities are beginning the process of making vaccination mandatory because of the threat of Measles and other diseases that never used to be known as deadly. In sections of New York, California and Oregon, to name a few, those who do not vaccinate could face fines or jail. Ironically, most Americans are fine with these new extreme measures due to the exaggeration of dangerous outbreaks and adherence to media. However, some Americans are beginning to see this as suspicious, dangerously unconstitutional and over-the-top.
The United States cannot deny that there is, in fact, a steady rise in developmental ailments including autism, in addition to the fact the government is covertly paying off families for autism and other adverse reactions to vaccines via the Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund. Most mainstream media outlets rarely report and seemingly avoid this information, but this is a fact.
Despite covertly paying off families who proved vaccines caused autism, GBS, and other adverse reactions, American media flat-out denies that vaccines cause autism and insists any adverse reactions are extremely rare. In contrast to what is told, the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) produced studies clearly pointing out direct links to vaccines and ailments including infertility and ovarian damage as a result of the HPV shot.
“$4 Billion and Growing: U.S. Payouts for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Keep Climbing • Children's Health Defense.” Children's Health Defense, 7 Dec. 2018, childrenshealthdefense.org/news/4-billion-and-growing-u-s-payouts-for-vaccine-injuries-and-deaths-keep-climbing/.
Perhaps most troubling in the West is the censorship and bullying of people who are against vaccination. In the United States people who are simply aware of the unpublicized risks and would rather reserve the right to choose for themselves are being labelled “anti-vaxxers” with negative connotations, and are lampooned, antagonized and bullied by media led popular opinion. This is manifesting that Americans suffer from powerful corporate media indoctrination seemingly worse than anywhere else in the world. With provably disingenuous information being pumped out that blames unvaccinated people for outbreaks, the direct result is the propagandized majority attacking the anti-vaccination perspective without bothering to look at any stats. The pharmaceutical industry has a very strong lock on all corporate media information. Due to media propaganda that blames and targets unvaccinated people as the reason for outbreaks which is provably not true, a hostile environment for everyone against them has been created. At any rate, the American majority stifling the anti-vaccination argument is anti-science because the science supporting vaccination is not conclusive.
When the most powerful media platforms in all of these nations are using robust tactics to control the flow of information and are telling the masses that people who oppose vaccination are misinformed and reckless, it’s difficult to have a real and honest debate about vaccination. For example, there is a holistic side of the argument in which many spiritual communities and naturalists have been completely drowned out. It’s been proven and pointed out by holistic professionals that many of the vaccines are useless and/or completely unnecessary for groups of people who already maintain certain health standards. Despite these reasonable and real arguments, the pharmaceutical industry sustains the aggressive agendas to promote drugs above all with the opposite approach to health. The corporate mindset seems to be if the drugs do not kill the vast majority of people, and adverse reactions are low, then they are just fine and “safe”. This is not true. Even if no adverse reactions are experienced, vaccines still damage and calcify the pineal gland. The toxic cocktail of inorganic chemicals does have many consequences, and therefore such a toxic cocktail administered into the bloodstream should be completely necessary for everyone who takes them.
“Destructive Effects of Heavy Metals and Glyphosate.” Mercola.com, articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/05/08/heavy-metals-glyphosate-health-effects.aspx. McGovern, Celeste. Vaccine Boom, Population Bust: Study Queries the Link Between HPV Vaccine and Soaring Infertility. childrenshealthdefense.org/news/vaccine-safety/vaccine-boom-population-bust-study-queries-the-link-between-hpv-vaccine-and-soaring-infertility/.
Internationally vaccination has suddenly become a very explosive topic. And in the States, it is also quickly becoming a Constitutional human rights issue. At the root of the problem is disinformation and fear. People are either afraid of the diseases they are being told are on the rise, or they are afraid of the vaccines, or both. Whether we are talking about the United States or countries in Africa, we’re living in a time in which people need to be very vigilant. Each of these governments are working with the pharmaceutical industry and are showing a very clear agenda to push the drugs and vaccines. So, no matter where in the world we’re speaking of, most “professional” advice will always lean heavily in the direction of vaccination, as will most of the information we have access to. Regardless, emotional opinions and what people believe are irrelevant when some things are as simple as cause and effect. With that said, as vaccines are being normalized in Rwanda and other countries, cases of reactions and infertility are on the rise as well. What about the diseases? Well, let’s stop censoring all the risks and scientific counter-arguments, and let the transparent and honest conversations about the best preventive methods begin.
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