Black America: We Need to Talk About the Black Liberals in Media

    Mainstream outlets began trotting out and promoting the new docuseries by W. Kamau Bell called, ‘We Need to Talk About Cosby’. Specifically for black America, however, the problem isn’t with Bill Cosby, it’s actually with W. Kamau Bell and others like him who are incessantly given credence and platforms to carry out anti-black agendas. No, “we” probably don’t need to talk about Cosby from Bell’s extremely misinformed perspective. Rather, we may need to talk about the nonstop stream of opportunistic, problematic tools and agents in “black face”.

    On so many topics, many American mainstream platforms have severe issues when it comes to telling the truth. Lying to protect narratives and agendas is actually the norm. Consequently, Bill Cosby has been irreparably crucified by slander in the court of public opinion. And whether they realize it or not, men like W. Kamau Bell are dispatched to keep the lies and propaganda going strong by using “proof by assertion” media mind control tactics. To do this, many of these commissioned public figures and talking heads never discuss the actual details or evidence in the Cosby case. Facts and evidence are MSM’s kryptonite. In contrast, they will just keep talking over and through the relevant information and just keep speaking emotionally as if the allegations are fact. That’s how it all works and keeps on going. And sadly, the propaganda machine routinely recruits black celebrities and talking heads to do this and destroy their own.

    The average person may never come to know that shockingly, the evidence was always heavily stacked in Bill Cosby’s favor. So much so that he was unconstitutionally thrown in jail, but when the case was appealed the conviction had to be overturned after The Pennsylvania Supreme Court discovered several serious instances of unconstitutional prosecutorial misconduct in order to rig a conviction. The DA Kevin Steele pursued an already settled case that the previous DA already determined unwinnable due to inconsistencies. And then judge Steven T. O’Neill allowed this same case to be tried twice, the second time allowing 5 hearsay accusers with no proof into the case to influence the jury. It was a kangaroo court and a trial that should never have happened in the first place.

    Instead of explaining what really happened, mainstream media outlets quickly began lying again and told the public that the conviction was overturned due to a “technicality”. Sadly, the masses may never learn the truth because there are so many stooges mindlessly and enthusiastically working for the propaganda and disinformation machine.

    W. Kamau Bell does pay Bill Cosby his due homage and respect and even acknowledges that he is “a child of Cosby”, but still stabs him in the back in the end by just asserting the allegations against him are all true without any real scrutiny into his case. In doing what he is doing, Bell is unwittingly protecting dishonest journalism and a corrupt justice system. No, these traitorous black faces never seem to do any respectable, intelligent investigative research. They merely parrot what their masters tell them. So let’s take a deeper look at what will probably never end up in W. Kamau Bell’s docuseries and others like it.

    Meet Some of the Accusers

    Who are Cosby’s accusers anyway? Well, most have already been soundly discredited by evidence, but mainstream outlets committed to the #metoo narrative will never allow the public to understand that. They have too much invested in the lie. Out of scores of women with 0 evidence, here are just a few who have come forward to media outlets.

    Andrea Constand was already caught in myriad inconsistencies (lies) and had a case so weak, she needed 2 trials and 5 additional women, and the case was still overturned. Currently, there is no conviction so corporate entities in media should not be putting out libelous documentaries.

    Another accuser is Janice Dickinson, a well-known pathological liar who already admitted she made up her Cosby story for a book.

    Another accuser is drug trafficking sex worker, Chloe Goins who’s been arrested for numerous crimes. Although she attempted to smuggle heroin into a California jail, The San Deigo Detention center mysteriously let her go with no charges so that she could proceed with her case against Cosby. She withdrew her own criminal case against Cosby because several botched details didn’t match up, so her story was not credible. Even though she was a criminal with no case, she was still able to eventually win a settlement with Cosby’s insurance, AIG, anyway.

    Another accuser who suspiciously withdrew her own case was Kristina Ruehli. When the case was coming undone, she told media outlets she decided to withdraw her case because what she wanted to see happen came to pass already, and mainstream media outlets just believed her.  

    Another is Chelan Lasha, a former prostitute with a long rap sheet who also had no evidence. She claimed Cosby didn’t rape her, but he drugged and molested her. She claimed to be conscious repeating to herself, “Dr. Huxtable!”. No one is perfect and it wouldn’t be fair to resurrect someone’s past when they allege being a victim. However, it is very relevant to know who the person is when deciding to blindly believe someone who has a dubious tale with no evidence, and when there is clear financial motive. Unfortunately for the accused, however, liberal #metoo influenced media will believe anything any woman says at any time.

    And perhaps most egregiously, featured in the docuseries is the mentally disturbed, attention-seeking Lili Bernard who was once collared for stealing scripts off the Cosby set. She too never had evidence or a legitimate case against Cosby. No longer acting, Bernard has no “second act”, so to speak, and has pretty much dedicated her life to being a “Cosby survivor”. She spends her days aggressively pursuing opportunities to talk to the media. And she like the others is just being given the benefit of the doubt and led right onto television with no vetting, evidence, or due process.

    These are some of the women that women’s advocacy groups, W. Kamau Bell, Marc Lamont Hill, and Jamele Hill, to name a few, are tirelessly going to bat for. For these women, many black media personalities are willing to accept money and destroy an iconic black legacy. In truth, only black celebrities and public people who have completely sold out, or who are completely lost and clueless can continue to do this work without seeing what they are really doing in the long run.

    The System at Work

    The powers that be know very well what Bill Cosby meant to the black community. He almost single-handedly was responsible for much of the positive imagery that set a new standard in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Most of these traitorous black faces in media, however, don’t seem to know how they are being used and played, or they don’t care.  They don’t seem to do any research or work for the benefit of the black community. They publicly pretend to be in rhetoric, but more aggressively work for LGBT groups, feminist organizations, and other liberal conglomerates.

    For example, Marc Lamont Hill got memorably trounced by Judge Joe Brown, as Hill seemed boyishly incapable of reason when trying to push a “just believe women” narrative against the facts. Emotionally going along with illogical feminist rhetoric, Hill simply refused to give Cosby a fair shake. As Judge Joe Brown was ferociously pointing out serious problems with the allegations and how the courts failed to give Cosby a fair trial, Hill refused to see Janice Dickinson and gang as anything else but Cosby’s rape victims.

    Another black liberal in media, Angela Rye, once came after the Honorable Louis Farrakhan very disrespectfully accusing him of being homophobic. On numerous occasions, Don Lemon and Joy Reid have been sent out to lambast black celebrities who do not fall in line with what the liberal democrat overlords want. Often this meant tar and feathering targeted black persons to kowtow to liberal social movements and ideology. This is typical of the agent work some of these black liberals in mainstream media do. Many times they are dispatched to attack the characters or legacies of black men while softening up the collective to prioritize other liberal agendas that do not benefit the black community.

    Malcolm X famously warned about the liberal. Decades later people in the black community have not learned the lesson. So many still absorb, adopt and parrot liberal corporate ideology so steadfastly that it has created the unfortunate scene today. So many are so completely entranced with liberal rhetoric that they cannot see the organized anti-black system for what it is. By strategic design, black males are the number one targets to be set up and accused of sexual indiscretions,  homophobia, violence against Asians, and anything else the covert liberal think-tanks conjure up. So this maniacal insistence that Bill Cosby is a serial rapist even though there is more evidence that his accusers are opportunistic liars should come as no so surprise. And no, these hit piece “documentaries” will not stop any time soon.

    The liberal media’s sexual assault industry cashing in on accused black males.

    So to W. Kamau Bell and those getting set to watch this docuseries, perhaps we do need to talk about Cosby and his legacy. And perhaps we should finally discuss all that hasn’t been said for once, instead of the usual emotional spin, fallacies, and omission of information. Yes, black America does need to wake up and think about Cosby’s legacy, and the many problems that afflict the community, starting with “documentaries” like this one.

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