A Genuine Look at the Crime Wave Against Asians

    When it comes to the alleged uptick in hate crimes against Asians that American media has been obsessed with, many people on social media have been noticing very suspicious problems with many of the cases used as examples. Many of the cases came out of New York City, and most of the attackers were black, homeless, mentally challenged ex-convicts wearing pink. Also, many of the attackers very oddly committed their attacks right in front of cameras, or right near law enforcement that were conveniently close by to apprehend the assailants within seconds. And finally, with the majority of attackers being mentally ill, and in some instances with no words exchanged with the victims, why did law enforcement quickly charge these incidents as hate crimes? Just because the victims happened to be Asian? For these reasons and more many critical thinkers are realizing something isn’t quite right with much of the news we’re being spoon-fed. As legislation was passed and grandstanding politicians and celebrities pounced on it, something simply wasn’t quite right.

    All the cases peddled through the media as examples of an uptick of crimes against Asians are all very similar and extremely dubious. Let’s take the case of Brandon Elliot. In March of 2021, Elliot is seen on video wearing a long sleeve pink shirt viciously kicking someone on the ground. We are told that it was a 65-year old Asian woman whose name has not been released (like many of the other victims). Police alleged that Elliot said, “F**k you, you don’t belong here, you Asian”. For starters, absolutely no one, especially in the black community, speaks like this. Not only is this alleged dialogue extremely unrealistic sounding, but there is also no evidence corroborating this and it’s not heard on the video. And like many of the others, Elliot is a mentally ill homeless ex-convict who repeatedly kicked this woman conveniently right in front of a camera. Elliot was released on parole after being convicted of killing his own mother in 2002 and was staying in a shelter close by the scene. In a nutshell, another mentally ill homeless ex-con (wearing pink) was used as an example of an uptick of Asian hate when perhaps it shouldn’t have been.

    Another recent case was that of Alexander Wright. On May 31, 2021, Wright (wearing a pink hoodie) randomly punched an Asian lady (also in pink) literally right at the very moment the 2 conveniently walked directly under a street camera. The attack seemed completely unprovoked and no words were exchanged. And just like Brandon Elliot and many of the other cases, Wright is a black, homeless mentally ill ex-convict. Wright has a long rap sheet of other crimes including assault. So now all of a sudden, Wright, a career low-level criminal has made national news for a hate crime against Asians.

    So according to American media, are we now to believe people are roaming the streets specifically looking for Asians to attack because they are Asians? No offense intended, but only the cognitively challenged members of society would enthusiastically believe this without pause and scrutiny. A more legitimate question would be why these mentally ill criminals with insanely long rap sheets were roaming the streets, to begin with. And the irony is that these incidents being pumped into the news cycles aren’t the least bit convincing to the shrewd observer aware of how today’s media operates. In contrast, the unlikely steady stream of seemingly random attacks conveniently against Asians, and mostly by poor mentally ill homeless people, is exactly what makes this all very suspicious.

    Spinning The News Cycles

    These cases being labeled as anti-Asian attacks only raise more questions. As previously asked, if most of these cases are mentally ill homeless people attacking randomly, why are they all being listed as hate crimes? Alexander Wright didn’t even say anything to the woman he attacked other than repeating, “Why [did] you hit me for?” Wright also has a history of attacking lots of people. What were the races of the other people he attacked? So again, why did the NYPD jump to charge this particular random attack as a hate crime against Asians, and why were each of these incidents pushed onto mainstream news cycles? And are they setting the precedent that if a victim just happens to be Asian it automatically qualifies as a hate crime?

    Sure, at one point there were some skittish members of society manifesting bigotry because of the origin of the coronavirus coming from Wuhan, China. And momentarily Asian businesses were suffering. And during the presidency of Trump, there was a lot anti-Asian (Chinese) rhetoric. However, this media narrative that Asians are routinely being physically attacked as some sort of new phenomenon doesn’t hold up. Since when do people roam the streets to spot out Asians, not to rob them, but to attack them specifically because they’re Asian? It’s becoming clearer that this is yet again, more media propaganda for an agenda. None of this adds up or makes any sense whatsoever.

    The American public is extremely gullible and programmed. As soon as the media spun the stories and pushed this narrative front and center, overnight politicians, celebrities, influencers and their followers ran with the hashtag and flooded the internet with no critical thought whatsover. The vast majority of the American public still fails to understand that law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and the government fabricating news stories for social engineering agendas is nothing new. It’s actually quite routine. However, the dumbed-down and programmed masses are socially engineered to believe such things are merely “conspiracy theories”. Only, it’s not. In fact, in the past 5 years American media has gotten significantly worse. Especially in the age of COVID, fake news and propaganda is now the norm.

    Kelley, Michael B. “The NDAA Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 21 May 2012, www.businessinsider.com/ndaa-legalizes-propaganda-2012-5.

    How Intelligence Agencies Push Fake Narratives in Media

    Manipulated by law enforcement or intelligence agencies, the media runs with fake narratives all the time. For example, when the United States was trying to socially engineer zeal and support for the “war on terror”, intelligence agency agents propositioned patsies and set them up for crimes so that law enforcement could catch them and make it appear in media that they were heroically reigning in terrorists and gaining ground. Most of the patsies were poor black males, some of them mentally challenged, who were bribed. And just like the aforementioned Asian attackers, many of the pasties nabbed as “terrorists” were poor and mentally ill. Again, the public was not aware that the government was manufacturing the terrorists by baiting patsies. It was all a farce to promote war. Cases like the “Fort Dix Five”, “The Miami Seven” and “The Newburgh Four”, to name a few, did not involve real terrorists plotting against America. They were all cases of baited patsies who were set up by the US government. Even though everything written here is fact, the vast majority of people are still unaware and accept most of what they are told by mainstream media platforms without scrutiny regardless. And this is why new agendas like the uptick in crimes against Asians narrative keep getting rolled out and believed.

    “Fake Terror Plots, Paid Informants: the Tactics of FBI ‘Entrapment’ Questioned.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 16 Nov. 2011, www.theguardian.com/world/2011/nov/16/fbi-entrapment-fake-terror-plots.

    “The Schuster Institutefor Investigative Journalism.” Catching or Creating Terrorists? | Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism | Brandeis University, www.brandeis.edu/investigate/government-corporate-wrong-doing/catching-or-creating-terrorists.html.

    Why Would They Lie?

    One of the questions people always ask that keep members of society perceptually clueless is “Why would they do this?” For some odd reason, the masses feel that the people in the top positions are good. They also seem to feel that if they can’t figure out an agenda or understand the motive themselves, then the agenda doesn’t exist. All to often, consequently, very real things are blown off as conspiracy theories.

    To understand many of the covert agendas, one would really need to understand America’s covert war against black society. COINTELPRO entailing many shocking anti-black agendas was exposed in the early 70s, but it was never completely abandoned. The tactics merely evolved. For starters, there is still a very conspicuous agenda to keep black criminality at the forefront of America’s consciousness. This may be the reason homeless mentally ill pasties, most of them black, are being paraded out in front of the cameras as the main perpetrators of the crimes against Asians. A few white supremacists were once the main agitators, but they have been strategically replaced by the homeless patsies and pushed out of the news cycles. This was not done by accident.

    Dominant society is quick to deny this reality but the receipts pour in daily. Not only is black criminality strategically pushed to the forefront in the United States, but black civil rights initiatives are also strategically sabotaged and/or drowned out by other issues simultaneously. There are elaborate systems working within systems.

    America has no intention of changing its longstanding pervasive issues like mass incarceration, police brutality, over-policing of black and brown communities, false imprisonment, and various injustices with the United States Justice system. So as a covert way to keep these things unchallenged or corrected, “the system” keeps injecting new non-issues for the public consciousness to be diverted toward. This is why many democratic initiatives entail a lot of symbolic victories and a lot of focus toward LBGT, feminism, and immigrant issues. While battling these other issues, the more serious issues remain the same and the advocacy challenging those issues lose momentum.

    “The FBI’s War on Black America.” Zinn Education Project, 3 Apr. 2020, www.zinnedproject.org/materials/fbi-war-on-black-america/.

    The spirited focus on crimes against Asians appears to be more of the old COINTELPRO strategies at play to divide, distract and keep momentum away from the more pressing issues the powers that be have no intention of changing.

    In addition to pushing black criminality to the forefront of the news cycles, these agendas like this one, are also strategically designed to cause discord between minority communities. Unity is an enemy to the power structure in place. When people are fighting and pointing fingers at each other, the real enemy puppeteering the dissension is never noticed or exposed. So when people are made to believe that Asians are being attacked and the perpetrators are by and large black people, Asians, and other ethnic groups who believe the manufactured propaganda will grow in their dislike of black people. And in turn, black people already under attack and fed up will bite back against the unwarranted attacks, resentment, and anti-black rhetoric.

    In no way is calling this agenda out for what it is an attack against the Asian community or an attempt to belittle their concerns, but we have an obligation to the truth and must be honest about what is real and what isn’t. So even though the Asian community has dealt with racism and xenophobia, especially in the COVID era, there is no factual evidence that targeted crimes against Asians is a pervasive issue worthy of immediate legislation like mainstream platforms were purporting. A serious unbiased deep dive into the cases only produce suspicious sensationalized nothing-burgers.

    The likelihood that the uptick in hate crimes against Asians is a false narrative and propaganda might be a lot for most to swallow. This is because most people are subservient to mainstream media news and see no reason to question the information. And when media, celebrities, and political leaders cosign the information that’s all that is needed for the narrative to be Gospel. However, for those with a greater understanding of how things really work and the extent of corruption we live through today, all the red flags and signs are there. In order to truly have a grasp on reality, one must awaken their minds to accept what they may not want to believe. With that said, anytime the media is sensationalizing a topic, it is wise to start wondering why and if the information is real at all.

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