Why the Media Won’t Discuss José Peralta’s Cause of Death Either

    A lot of people are dying young left and right, and they don’t even tell us why anymore. They just keep writing these things off as unexplained health mysteries. Well, that’s not exactly true. Many of the deaths have very clear reasons, but reasons they’d rather not publicize. They’re case sensitive, but what many networks seemed reluctant to mention regarding New York State Senator José Peralta’s passing, is that he was feeling ill but did not go to the hospital because he just GOT HIS FLU SHOT. Some did mention this but just as an afterthought. Peralta initially chose not to go to the hospital because he knew his feeling sick was most likely because of the flu shot and assumed it would pass. And unfortunately, it didn’t pass. That is the truth, and there are other cases of the same thing happening to other people as well. Regardless, the mainstream media won’t ever say that and you already know why.

    I don’t like to ever politicize people’s death, but this is a growing problem and in order to help others, this must be addressed. José Peralta joins a long and steady growing list of young deaths of public people they claim died due to unknown causes, even after an autopsy. That’s unacceptable. We just heard the news of P. Diddy’s ex-girlfriend, Kim Porter, also dying at the age of 47, also from flu-like symptoms, and countless others. All these people keep dying young, and with many of these cases, we are told the cause of death is a complete mystery. I’m losing faith that mainstream media will ever attack very important issues head-on. The media is corporate owned and controlled, and so it’s often commisioned to hide information, frame narratives and protect certain industries from any bad press. Regardless, there’s a little more to this story than they make known to us. And they are very often hiding something when it comes to many of the unexplained early deaths of public people. In Peralta’s case, they are hiding the possibility that he may have had complications with the flu shot and died as a result. No, this isn’t something that happens to everyone, but some people are at risk of very adverse reactions to toxic vaccines but Big Pharma doesn’t want anyone to know that.

    Many Undisclosed Reasons for Young Deaths

    We have been shocked with lots of early deaths to the point it’s somewhat normalized and not shocking anymore. Hollywood at times has strange untimely deaths due to a lot of weird things going on behind the scenes that people aren’t aware of. However, that isn’t relevant to this story, so I won’t go there. There are also people who work in politics or for certain industries in which agendas are followed and information is protected, and so many sometimes turn up dead when they become threats to powerful people or companies. This is also something the media will probably never admit. Regardless, this isn’t relevant to this situation either.  I primarily mention these things to get people out of their institutionalized naivete. So aside from those scenarios, many early deaths of celebrities and public people we keep seeing that are not due to drug abuse or foul-play are because of preventable health realities.

    Many foods like meat, processed meat and preservatives they put in our foods and can goods are causing deaths due to cancer, cardiac arrest, heart disease or heart failure. This was always the case but the problem seems to be getting worse. No one is being told because the powers that be don’t want anyone to change how they shop, bad eating habits and all. There are many foods that they know for a fact could result in cancer or heart failure, but they will never speak on it. The chart below from www.theatlantic.com shows the disturbing spike of heart disease and cancer as the number one killers in America. And sudden heart failure among the young is included in that statistic.


    Exposing Complications With Flu Shots

    Many early deaths because of the flu or flu-related symptoms are also on the rise. In true psychopathic nature, however, they make strong attempts to somehow blame it on fictitious unvaccinated people. The Pharmaceutical industry is hiding the fact that these deaths are happening primarily to vaccinated people, not the other way around. In addition to that, there are people, especially children, having bad reactions to vaccines, and yes even death for some. Thankfully this is unlikely for most people, but possible none-the-less. And though it most likely won’t be spoken about, José Peralta most likely had an adverse reaction to the flu shot. He felt ill immediately after it, and said as much himself. The New York Times reported that his director of communications, Chris Sosa stated, “It was like pulling teeth to get him to talk about not feeling well. He just thought he was having symptoms related to getting the flu shot.” Unfortunately, the situation worsened and he eventually passed on. Medical examiners only revealed that he was “septic'”, his body was “poisoning itself”, and that he was experiencing rapid organ failure. However, reporters will continue to insist the cause for this is “unknown” just like all the others because they will never be instructed to draw any connection to vaccines and put them in a bad light.

    What many people may not know is that there are other cases of the very same thing happening; there are multiple cases of people who’s organs failed after getting the flu shot, coincidentally exactly like José Peralta. And no, I don’t entertain coincidences. Dr. Dale Brown of the blog and channel “The Wild Doc” wrote about this on his channels, long before Peralta’s death.  Dr. Brown reported about how a young doctor, Dr. Marlie E. Dulaurier, had rapid organ failure and died shortly after her flu shot and alluded to other cases like hers. Even though this is a very real phenomenon and very serious, mainstream media will never put focus on any of these “coincidences”.

    Brown, Dale. “A Young Doctor Dies after Receiving the Flu Shot.” The Wild Doc, thewilddoc.com/a-young-doctor-dies-after-receiving-the-flu-shot/

    In a way, Peralta died for his beliefs, and of course no, I don’t mean that disrespectfully or mockingly. Ironically, however, Peralta was a very strong supporter of vaccines and once held an event giving out free flu shots. In his heart, he believed he was doing the right thing for the community. However, we can’t keep quiet about certain things and respect brainwashed differences of opinion when it comes to things like this. We are living in a time in which people will pay for willful ignorance and blind faith. Blindly trusting the system and refusing to see the bigger agenda to protect the vaccine industry might cost many people down the road.

    This is not to spread propaganda or scare anyone against flu shots. That isn’t the game I play. I do a lot of the things I do not so I can force my opinions and beliefs on to people, as we have way too much of that. I do what I do so reasonable people can see all the risks, pros and cons, and also see what they are not being told, so they can make informed decisions for themselves instead of believing carefully edited media or jump on bandwagons. The truth is that according to factual data the flu shots are not very effective, they’re toxic, and for some people, they may produce adverse reactions. With all toxic drugs, obviously, there are possible side effects and health risks. So no, what happened to Senator Peralta will not happen to most people, but it can happen to some, but they don’t want anyone to know that to risk the flu shots becoming unpopular. And that is just a small dose of the truth.



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