Attention: Truth They’re Hiding About Vaccines

    Big Pharma is panicking and trying to revamp the vax industry because people are waking up from the programming in the droves—and they don’t like it. It’s true that most people blindly trust and obey the system, and are very easily manipulated by media, popular opinion, “professional” opinion and the routine sensationalized scare tactics. However, it seems they are losing the ability to control or indoctrinate the growing number of independently informed people that include lots of medical professionals who see through “the matrix”, so to speak, on this issue. And one contributing reason for this is that after losing some lawsuits, there is now a plethora of documented proof that link vaccines to autism and other diseases and ailments. This is no longer a rumor up for discussion anymore, nor can this be blown off as a conspiracy theory. This is documented fact that they don’t want you to know.

    Innes, Stephanie. “Arizona Cancels Vaccine Program after Backlash from Parents Who Don’t Vaccinate.” AZ Central, Arizona Republic, 18 Oct. 2018,

    Did people really ever ask themselves why there’s such a mass awakening regarding vaccines? Firstly, it helps to understand the truth when it comes to health and fitness from a holistic perspective uncontaminated by corporate agendas. Injecting inorganic toxic chemicals like mercury, aluminum, and Formaldehyde, which is used to embalm corpses, into you or your child’s bloodstream was never wise, without consequence, or without risk. Our unenlightened medical industry instead teaches us that there is such a thing as “safe” levels of poison. In other words, we won’t die from it in very small doses. This is “corporate science”, and we are taught this primarily so that industries can sell us food and drugs using these poisons which make it cheaper and more efficient for production and mass distribution.  In truth, we are organic beings and those poisons should never be ingested into the human body for any reason. This is also a scientific fact but the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want anyone to understand that. Holistic communities have been trying to explain this for years but were easily drowned out. And why they keep these chemicals in the vaccine cocktails is still unclear. Regardless, the right to be properly informed or to even have a choice is being stripped away and people are beginning to see the light. Besides all of that and perhaps most egregiously, Big Pharma and the co-opted corporate media are hiding the fact that there are now multiple documented cases linking vaccines to autism.

    Hannah Poling and parents in an Atlanta news conference.

    The family of Hannah Poling is among the first to be awarded in federal vaccine court for damages after health complications and the onset of autism immediately after vaccines were administered. In 2000, Hannah Poling had normal behavior for a child just under 2 years old. Then in one doctor’s visit, she was vaccinated for measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Hemophilus influenzae. Immediately afterward, the Poling’s noticed changes in the child’s behavior in addition to high fevers, occasional loss of appetite and early signs of autism. The Poling’s filed an autism claim in 2002. The government opted to avoid trial, settled the case with the Poling’s and had the case sealed. And to capture a glimpse of the psychotic agenda to defend and deflect to protect the industry at all “costs”, it is the government’s position that the vaccines aggravated an unknown mitochondrial disorder that Hannah had which didn’t “cause” her autism, but “resulted” in it. There are thousands of other similar cases just like Hannah’s waiting to be heard.

    Attkisson, Sharyl. “Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award.” CBS News, 10 Sept. 2010, 10:44 AM,

    Another case that won is that of a 10-year old boy named Ryan Mojabi. His parents alleged that the boy suffered brain damage after measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccinations spanning from 2003-2005. This type of brain damage or adverse reaction to immunizations are professionally referred to as a “Vaccine Table Injury”, or an encephalopathy. Eventually, in 2009, Ryan’s case was transferred to the vaccine court’s Autism Omnibus Proceedings and the government later conceded that the MMR vaccine had indeed caused Ryan’s encephalopathy. This is another case of several being kept under lock and key.

    Kirby, David. “Vaccine Court Awards Millions to Two Children With Autism.” HuffPost, HuffPost, 14 Jan. 2013,

    These documented cases are proving that not only is the science supporting their effectiveness inconclusive, but serious information is being strategically hidden, and the vaccines and immunizations come with very dangerous risks. Regardless, they are still trying to remove all option and force-medicate the populace by making them mandatory in schools and most places of business. It is unconstitutional to force-medicate, but the pharmaceutical industry succeeded in their agenda of force-medication for profit through the smoke screen of “safety” and “public health”. The hidden information leaking out is proving that it was always primarily about profit, not people.

    Because of these cases slowly coming to light there is a growing number of people beginning to realize that they were brainwashed, and that the anti-vaxxers weren’t quite the morons the media tried to make them out to be. In fact, it was probably the other way around.

    The more that people opt out of vaccination, the more the pharmaceutical industry panics and turns up the heat with indoctrination and fear tactics. And while this is happening, people still do not understand the power of mainstream media. Many people believe they are thinking with their own rational thought, when often they aren’t.  For example, the media has been pumping out false statistics and propaganda about breakouts with the implication the breakouts were caused by people who weren’t vaccinated. This is very easily debunked when the stories turn out completely unsubstantiated or unable to be linked to any unvaccinated people. This is in addition to the fact that research proves unvaccinated children fair better in several categories, but they hide that information as well. They are literally fanning the flames of sensationalism to scare people. That’s why in these days we need to be vigilant.

    People believe they are informing themselves with information obviously funded and made easily available on all platforms by Big Pharma. Don’t delude yourself; the media is co-opted to obey corporate agendas and to indoctrinate. And with the nonstop ridicule and shaming of those who even dare to question, understand that it is a business they are protecting, not public health.

    The belief that putting toxic inorganic chemicals into you or your child’s bloodstream is OK is a choice. Regardless, the more that people obediently sit back thinking “the good guys” are at the helm of these industries, the more clueless on all issues they will be. The unfortunate truth is that greedy psychopaths are in control of many industries, including  the medical industry, even though that’s a tough pill for some to swallow.

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