The Truth About the “Walk Away” Movement

    There’s a new conservative “it” person, Candace Owens who is currently making waves in the Republican party. Owens says lots of things that I agree with but only partially. She gives powerful reasons why people should consider walking away from the democratic party, and she’s correct. However, she’s not going all the way in, or telling you how far to walk. Let’s dive deep.

    Many of the points that Owens and conservatives make against liberals are valid. However, what the #WalkAway movement won’t tell you is that political parties, both of them, are based on the Hegelian Dialectic. People live their lives in mental slavery and have no idea that they are living inside many complex programs that have been designed and perfected for hundreds of years in the making. The Hegelian Dialectic is the belief system through which every thesis or issue can only be resolved through the observation of opposite opposing ideologies. Our modern-day political system is very deliberately based on Hegelian Dialectic reasoning. And in our modern political system, the powers that be keep fabricating all the issues, the issues get thrown into the political system of binary options, this system herds us onto sides and teams, and consequently, free thought is stifled and progression is slowed down and controlled the whole way through. So to cut the chase and in other words, both parties are 2 wings of the same bird going to the same direction.

    It’s true that the democratic party failed African Americans time and time again. The party relies on and expects the black vote, while concentrating its efforts on feminism and LGBT issues. They also covertly slip things through that are very harmful to the African American community. The #walkaway movement was able to gain a lot of traction by pointing all of this out extremely well. However, while conservatives in this movement were showing us how lost, treacherous, ineffective and mired in liberal “isms and schisms” the democratic party is, they were hiding their own anti-black agendas. For example, there is a flat-out denial of police corruption, even though statistics confirm this. In fact, both civilians and police officers from all over the country, like former marine and officer Michael Wood, Jr., for example, have come forward attesting to the institutionalized racial injustices in the American police departments. Regardless, the killing of unarmed black men and increased incarcerations is pretty much denied by the Right. They make fun of and lambast against Colin Kaepernick’s protest. They herald Donald Trump and deny the existence of very prevalent and real concerns and issues of “minority groups” and immigrants. So sorry, the war-mongering conservatives are proving themselves just as clueless and dangerous to the black community. They just have a different MO.

    There is no real political party for the people. Yes, there are many genuine people who want to do good in both parties. And sure, there are many growing 3rd party options gaining traction, but the system is designed to have them ending up absorbed and co-opted by one of the 2 big ones anyway.

    So, as you contemplate “walking away”, you should ask yourself, “Walking away from what and to where”. The whole thing is reminiscent of a Coke versus Pepsi debate: When people go back and forth about which is better—before you choose, it’s good to know that soda isn’t good for you.

    #blexit #walkaway

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