Big Pharma’s Death Grip on Media is an Orwellian Nightmare

    Joe Rogan has been doing the job that countless mainstream platforms would never dare do today, which is interviewing honest science professionals about very real and legitimate concerns regarding mass vaccination. Rogan interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, one of the architects of the mRNA technology, and the 2 referenced Dr. Mattias Desmet, who spoke of “mass formation psychosis” as a possible reason society is so inanely pro-vax and seemingly under a hypnotic spell. Rogan’s riveting video was quickly removed and then replaced by scores of strange mainstream propaganda articles attacking Rogan, Dr. Malone, and Dr. Desmet. This is far from normal. We are in a cryptic new era of unprecedented information suppression, normalized censorship, propaganda, and corruption. There’s a war going on, and things are not good.

    Mass formation psychosis appeared to be a very real psychological affliction. It’s a psychological condition with historical references that refers to the brainwashing of large groups of people who have experienced trauma collectively. There are historical references to groups of people who experienced certain amounts of organized trauma and consequently became abnormally obedient to authority figures believing whatever they were told by them.

    The initial search results for this psychological condition were actually educating people about what mass formation psychosis is. However, as more people began googling “mass formation psychosis” after Rogan’s podcast, something very odd happened. Suddenly Rogan’s podcast was yanked from YouTube and the Google search results about “mass formation psychosis” began to change with an odd temporary disclaimer. Then almost overnight legitimate psychology journals were replaced by lots of corporate pharmaceutical industry shills and minions calling mass formation psychosis unfounded, Rogan an “anti-vaxxer” and the doctors he interviewed quacks.  Some of the articles, like one from Bruce Y. Lee of Forbes, were obviously retaliatory hit pieces that were so shockingly childish, petty, and condescending, that they were difficult to take seriously as journalism.

    With all the blatant censorship normalized today that we’re witnessing right before our eyes, anyone still standing by the government narrative is willfully being foolish. The cat is out of the bag; the powers that be are exposing that they are lying, desperate, and censoring all opinions that threaten the mass vaccination agenda. The corruption and government commitment to propaganda over truth could not be any more conspicuous. And the ongoing vilification of anyone who goes against the government narrative is not normal, ethical, or acceptable in a truly free civilized society.

    “Google Is Manipulating ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Search Results.” Rumble,

    The reason why the corporate entities controlled by the government and the pharmaceutical giants panicked at the discussion of mass formation psychosis is because, yes, there is an agenda in place and the doctors had extremely engaging sound reasoning that threatened that agenda. The conservation was indirectly exposing what the world governments have been doing strategically to the populaces.

    After months of fear-mongering in the news, the decision was made in almost every country to close businesses and impose lock-downs and masks.  Simultaneously the COVID-19 death counts were constantly reported, dramatized, and exaggerated. Obviously, nonstop fear-mongering can have a powerful psychological effect on societies. And yes, this is very similar to what happened in Nazi Germany. When you strategically keep people in a constant state of unrest, fear, and confusion, after a while many will become completely obedient to authority that they subconsciously want to believe will lead them to safety and bring things back to “normal”.

    As the masses all over the world were kept afraid and perpetually confused, the world governments have simultaneously been taking advantage and increasing their powers over citizens.  Imposing face masks and compulsory vaccinations are direct violations to the US Constitution and the Nuremberg Codes, but the world governments have been strategically brainwashing and breaking the will of the masses to accept these and any directives from health authorities in the guise of safety. Most people naively believe enforcing these things are necessary for public safety. However, there is a valid international argument that these things were being implemented strategically as conditioning to socially engineer obedience. Consequently, many people are currently completely irrational in their support of the government narratives regarding masks and vaccines and they are obediently doing whatever they are told no matter how many human rights are obliterated, how little “science” is explained, and no matter how little sense the instructions make.

    So observing the current environment, it’s a respectable science-based deducted that many people are behaving like victims of mass formation psychosis. Regardless, mainstream platforms have been removing and condemning anyone who speaks of this publicly.

    Science is not about policing opinions or muzzling anyone who doesn’t agree with the government that has been consistently wrong about many things to date. Real science welcomes discussion, especially from seasoned doctors and scientists.

    Committed to a false narrative and a mass vaccination agenda, it’s time that people begin to embrace the sobering truth: There is a war against the minds of the masses. Controlled by government and the pharmaceutical industry, mainstream platforms appear to be in an all-out war against truth, science, thinking, and humanity. It’s time more people start waking up and breaking through the ‘psychosis’ to realize it.

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