Politicians Are Throwing More Logs in the Flames During Protests

    Do not think for second these grandstanding politicians are doing what they feel necessary for the better good of society. These politicians are attempting to wield new powers for a new world.

    In response to looting, destruction of property, and purported violence against the police, de Blasio and Cuomo decided to impose a controversial 8 pm curfew on New York freakin’ City. de Blasio went even further and decided to make that 8 pm curfew all week long. The problem? We’ve never before needed citywide curfews for riots as that is unwarranted collective punishment levied on the entire city. In this new America, the powers that be keep injecting strange martial law tactics, and these extreme measures taken are throwing more logs into the flame. This is happening all over the United States. These agenda-following puppet leaders are showing us that they are drunk on power, unhinged and desperately trying to maintain control over their constituents with nonstop unprecedented, and draconian tactics. People are waking up and are fed up with a system that they know is broken and corrupt to the core. In response to this frustration, “the system” keeps implementing new punishments and unconstitutional rules to enforce. Not good.

    Because of the fears reverberating through society regarding the coronavirus and because of the recent protests over the murder of George Floyd, NYC Mayor de Blasio may seem to some like a very hands-on politician being very proactive. To an awakening segment of society, however, Mayor de Blasio is a perfect example of everything wrong about politicians. He’s a prototype of the best of the very worst that’s out there in the world of politics in post coronavirus America. In the guise of “safety”, de Blasio and many political leaders like him are laying the groundwork for an Orwellian new America that will be extremely disastrous in the long run. As de Blasio’s obsession with control and social distancing obliterates the economy and culture of New York City, it is also terrorizing some of the city’s most vulnerable with police force. And now that police brutality protests have been sparked, his police adulating totalitarian decisions are getting even worse. Regardless, some of the people are slowly beginning to push back.

    The Social Distancing Debacles

    Many New Yorkers were already fed up with the social distancing restraints that have destroyed small businesses and livelihoods. And now de Blasio jumped on a new issue with even more unnecessary restrictions via citywide curfews. There is only so much that people can take.

    In the South and many parts of America, citizens were not tolerating social distance orders from the government as much. Liberal cities like NYC, however, are more fearful of coronavirus infection and therefore more tolerant of coronavirus era mandates. As Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio, and democratic leaders across the nation keep convincing their constituents that they need to wear masks, stay home and practice social distancing amidst very conflicting data, some New Yorkers were growing impatient.

    The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world forever. In addition to devastating lives, let’s not delude ourselves, it has also become very political and very fast. And de Blasio is a typical politician grandstanding and doing way too much very quickly at the behest of the government. In his defense, he’s far from alone or anything uniquely different from many other grandstanding politicians. Chicago Mayor Lightfoot had been patrolling around the streets herself ordering people to go home. We don’t need our politicians to do this.

    From day one and while fears were very high, de Blasio kept pushing for more surveillance, tracing, and police presence enforcing social distancing and became somewhat obsessed with it. His obsession with “Big Brother” drone surveillance and social distance enforcement has only led to lower-income neighborhoods being terrorized needlessly. Perfectly healthy young people, mostly black, were being tackled and arrested for standing on the street because the government has manufactured unconstitutional new “safety” rules. To those of us left not lobotomized by coronavirus fear, yes this is textbook medical martial law.

    The police should never be touching anyone at this time during a pandemic. Nor should they be arresting citizens unless a real crime is being committed. No, police should not be arresting anyone for social distancing enforcement.  An awake society would never allow this. A sleeping society, which is, unfortunately, the case, crippled by fear and distracted will turn the other way. Some might even side with the rogue officers abusing citizens because they believe the officers are keeping them safe. 

    Now let’s be reasonable for a moment. The already unhealthy with preexisting conditions, obese, or the elderly were the most at risk. For everyone else according to most studies including one featured on WebMD, the COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97-99.75%. The statistics mean that most people in the country either won’t get the virus, had it already or will recover in about 2 weeks if they get it anyway. So, all of those extreme measures including wearing face masks, gloves, social distancing, and locking ourselves at home were questionable. Regardless, this is an argument that may never be popular as most people would rather do anything they’re told that may prevent the spread and if wrong, error on the side of caution.

    Smith, Michael W. “Coronavirus Recovery: Rate, Time, and Outlook.” WebMD, WebMD, 9 Apr. 2020, www.webmd.com/lung/covid-recovery-overview#1.

    We’ve learned even as far back as Nazi Germany that the vast majority will accept tyranny and agree to any draconian measures from authority if they are convinced it is for their safety and the greater good. And that is exactly where we are in America today. Fear has completely collapsed the ability for the masses to use logic or reason. Consequently, the masses who do not understand the odds and logistics of the recovery rate versus what they were being told by their leaders were voluntarily handing their rights over for the illusion of safety. Leaders like de Blasio are in place to exploit that fear and ignorance and make it so.

    We did not need much of what Mayor de Blasio proposed and implemented but while fear was still high people accepted everything he pushed forward in the belief he was making the city safer. In reality, in addition to a lot of good done, de Blasio and other mayors and governors around the world simultaneously beefed up government powers to dangerously unprecedented levels. Now here we are. Rogue officers have been terrorizing citizens, most of them black. When de Blasio was asked about the cops brutalizing citizens, including a young mother with a baby, he said he’d look into it, talked about changes, but nothing was yet done. Then the George Floyd murder happened and citizens in every state became fed up with police brutality. In response to the fear of violence against police, however, he implemented a weeklong curfew for New Yorkers and more boots on the ground.

    The Contrasting Responses

    Talk about the coronavirus has suddenly subsided and taken a backseat in the news cycles. This is because, for the time being, outlets have been commissioned with a different assignment. After George Floyd’s murder took the world by storm exposing an all too familiar American problem, the conversation has shifted to looting and rioting.

    Now that the people are rising up in solidarity protesting against pervasive police brutality, the protests all over the country have been infiltrated by professional provocateurs, white supremacist groups, predominantly white anarchist groups, law enforcement disguised as looters and all manner of entities attempting to sabotage the momentum. This may be hard to swallow for some but this is true and it happens every time. What’s even worse is that random white people in cars were spotted leaving bricks and even paying black teens to cause destruction. These things are all caught on videos going viral. And so now in response to looting and aggression against officers, governors, and mayors across the nation, including Cuomo and de Blasio, are locking down their cities with curfews and boots on the ground.

    Wabc. “Anarchists Infiltrating George Floyd Protests in NYC, Officials Say.” ABC7 New York, 1 June 2020, abc7ny.com/anarchists-floyd-protest-nyc-george-protests/6223320/.

    So as wayward thugs, out-of-towners and far-right groups inspire violence and leave, the people from these communities now get to feel the wrath of militarized police forces holding batons and guns ordering them to go home. Our leaders are the ones sending out more troops to police citizens even though it is admitted that the overwhelming majority of protestors are peaceful. The unwarranted weeklong curfew is being resisted by many of the peaceful protestors making the clash with law enforcement inevitable.

    Whether these leaders know it or not, or whether they’re in on it or just tools, they’re playing a very dangerous game and helping to usher in a new America that men like Orwell warned us about long ago.

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