Media Protects Bill Gates but Social Media Rips Him Apart

    Unfortunately for Bill Gates, people from all over the world are not buying his philanthropist identity that he’s been trying to sell for a long time. This is most likely because he never truly was a philanthropist. Gates has been in bed with Big Pharma and the vaccine industry for years with a personal agenda of vaccinating the world. Not because it’s necessary, but because it’s what he wants. Consequently, Gates’ social media accounts are being bombarded by thousands of angry trolling people who know exactly what he really is.  And naturally, mainstream media is quiet.

    Exposing Bill Gates has even gotten political. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has called Gates out for having a “twisted Messiah complex” with his obsessive zeal for vaccines. Trump consultant Roger Stone went as far as suggesting that he and other globalists were responsible for creating the coronavirus and said, “He and other globalists are using it for mandatory vaccinations and microchipping people so we know if they’ve been tested. Over my dead body.” Of course, mainstream media outlets pounced on this statement quickly dismissing it as a crazy conspiracy theory. That’s what they always do to opinions they don’t want catching on. Another trick employed by the gatekeepers of information is strategically only letting these sentiments come from the Trump side of the political fence. So it gets lost and unnecessarily becomes a Left vs Right argument when the truth is these are not Stones’ own cloistered thoughts. Several people in the states and all over the world feel the same way. All politics aside and regardless of anyone’s political affiliation, Stone’s comments are actually not the least bit outrageous. Media outlets positioned to protect Gates are only making it seem that way. In fact, much of this rhetoric has come straight from the horse’s mouth. Gates himself has been pushing vaccines and suggesting on multiple occasions that we should track everyone who has or hasn’t gotten “their” vaccinations. So, Gates’ obsession with vaccinating everyone on planet earth is no secret or conspiracy theory. And no, this isn’t philanthropy either.

    Perez, Matt. “Bill Gates Calls For National Tracking System For Coronavirus During Reddit AMA.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 18 Mar. 2020,

    Bill Gates and his vaccination programs have a history of sickness and death throughout Africa and India. In fact, India attempted to hold Gates responsible. However, when you are a connected multi-billionaire in bed with an all-powerful industry, things can be scuttled and media can be coopted to spin a different narrative. And that’s exactly what has happened. Disseminated information implicating Gates has been blown off as conspiracy theories by mainstream outlets. Consequently, the history of dangerous trials that have resulted in varying ailments, infertility, and deaths in developing nations have been scrubbed and swept under the rug.

    Unbeknownst to most, men like Gates stand in the way of genuine health break-throughs and cures and help keep the world ignorant of vaccine science because they are protecting the vaccine model for mass distribution.  

    “Deaths in a Trial of the HPV Vaccine: Indian Journal of Medical Ethics.” Deaths in a Trial of the HPV Vaccine | Indian Journal of Medical Ethics,

    At any rate, the world is waking up to the corruption, disinformation, and stranglehold on health science. Consequently, people are hammering away at Gates’ Instagram page and flooding his comment sections with disapproval of his self-serving vaccine agenda. His page handlers keep scrubbing his threads by deleting comments, but the comments keep on coming. Dr. Fauci and a host of other appointed talking heads and political leaders all covertly getting their barking orders from Big Pharma, keep sapiently decreeing the world will never go back to normal until we have a vaccine. However, the world may not go back to normal, but because the world is waking up. Consequently, we can expect resistance and angry comments to keep coming for Gates, and perhaps many others soon to follow.

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