Viral Video of Drag Queen Dancing for Little Girl Stirs Backlash

    Social Media was momentarily in an uproar after a TikTok video of a drag performer dancing in front of a little girl who seemed uncomfortable went viral.  The drag queen was scantily clad and dancing provocatively as the adults in the room clapped and cheered it on. Consequently, Twitter erupted with lots of disgust and outrage.

    The scene was somewhat bizarre. Most of the people in the room seemed to be festive adults and what seemed to be the only child in the room was in the center being performed for while seemingly traumatized. The drag queen was dancing and crawling toward the child with short jean shorts with exposed butt cheeks.

    In truth, it was very difficult to understand what the occasion was, what was happening or why. It’s safe to assume that most people in American society feel exotic dancing isn’t appropriate for children, let alone exotic dancing in drag. So, the spectacle was very off-putting.

    What’s even more interesting than the video is the dialogue underneath it. Most people were vehemently against it, even some drag performers who were agreeing drag performing shouldn’t involve children. However, there was some bite back from people defending it, a mindset that doesn’t see it as a big deal. Society seems to be going through a cultural civil war.

    Other instances of drag and children have been causing similar reactions. There are school programs that have implemented “Drag Queen Story Hour” that was met with lots of outrage. There are also many drag shows on the rise involving child drag performers. Most parents don’t even allow their young children to wear makeup. So why are little boys encouraged to dress up as gaudy adult women and perform as drag queens? At any rate, the amalgamation of drag culture with children is very questionable to many and it’s igniting a lot of debate.

    In heterosexual families, most parents wouldn’t dare hire scantily clad exotic dancers to perform for the young sons. Nor would they hire adult male exotic dancers to perform for little girls, and certainly not vice versa. In fact, observers would most likely contact Child Protective Services. That’s why the viral video is sparking so much debate. Voices in the blogosphere feel all of this is putting a negative spotlight on segments of the LGBTQ community as it appears that there is a persistent agenda to push drag culture on young children, and society at large.

    The intention of the trans and drag communities is easy to discern. They most likely want to begin the process of getting children used to drag performers and gender fluid people to help eliminate stigmas. So strictly from their perspective alone, the why is understandable, but if this should be done may not have been fully sussed out. Proponents feel it teaches children to embrace diversity and acceptance. However, not only is it usually very suggestive, not everyone sees drag as something psychologically healthy and positive for children, or something that needs to be mainstreamed out of nightlife and pitched to the young. We are all very different and people should be whoever they want to be. However, the general consensus is that it’s probably best if we leave children out of adult ideologies and allow kids to just be kids.

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