How the Coronavirus Was Predicted

    As talk of the coronavirus intensifies, people were reminded that it was eerily predicted pretty spot on in a book. However, in an extremely distracted and fluoridated society, it momentarily raised an eyebrow, but in the end, no one cared. There are very few coincidences. In the thriller “The Eyes of Darkness”, by Dean Koontz, a pneumonia-like illness was created in a lab near Wuhan, China. And that is very interesting, to say the least.

    The novel speaks of a severe pneumonia-like virus that will spread around the year 2020. Yes, the book written in 1981 says it would happen in 2020. And the virus in the book created in a military lab in a city near Wuhan China was named Wuhan-400. There were a few edits to the book but last changed in 2008, well before 2020. And it really doesn’t get any closer than that. So how was this writer able to come so close?

    Additionally, people began to recall a 1993 episode from The Simpsons in which a virus broke out. The Simpsons has an uncanny reputation for predicting several world events. And although it was not Wuhan, China, they too still chose to depict workers in uniform from an Asian country as the virus’s origin. More notably, The Simpsons predicted many things including a Trump presidency that was once thought of as a long shot. So how was this possible?

    The reasoning that some media outlets rushed in with to dissuade people from feeling there is any coincidence is that there is no proof the virus came from a lab. They reassured people that the virus is a zoonotic virus that came from bats. However, if a deadly virus was in fact made in a lab, do some of these journalists lost in the matrix actually think they would call the press and tell us so? Periodicals also shut it down because the description of the Wuhan-400 isn’t exactly like the description of the Covid-19 virus. However, people were surprised by the prediction of a virus coming from Wuhan, China in 2020 alone. Exactly who was expecting a long shot coincidental prediction to be exact? Many people quickly reason things like man-made viruses away, not by critical thought, but by simply saying, “Why would they ever do that?” And done. Regardless, even the most ardent conspiracy deniers have to agree that these prophetic references in pop culture are pretty strange.

    What is to Come

    In addition to a lot of media sensationalism, there may be a few societal changes. Exploiting these pandemics, the powers that be will attempt to mandate new procedures or drugs in the name of public safety. In China, they are already violating several human rights with lockdowns, travel restrictions, censorship of information, forced medication, and people held against their will. It is rumored that doctors and activists were punished for attempting to share information. And very mysteriously, China has ordered many additional mobile incinerators that authorities claim is to help with the cremation of dead animals.

    Global pandemics enable governments to expand their powers and do many things amidst the hysteria that would normally be met with public resistance and outrage.

    As the coronavirus continues to dominate international headlines, there will be astonishing amounts of money put toward drugs and drug research. There may also soon be more drugs on the market that could become mandated in schools and places of business. The pharmaceutical giants and governments will work to make sure these drugs and vaccines are required for admittance into all public facilities. Refusal to take the new drugs and vaccines could quite possibly be met with punitive action, including jail.  Simultaneously, scared members of society will accept anything recommended by government and will chastise anyone else who doesn’t.

    The Prediction Explained

    With many strange coincidences, we can always rely on media outlets to deflect toward humor or insist it’s just coincidence. However, in many cases including this one, not necessarily.

    In truth, the writer, Dean Koontz, may not be some sort of prophet. Perhaps he’s just a writer who has done a bit of research. And he predicted something very likely either knowingly, or completely by accident.  It just so happens that China’s only level 4 microbiology lab—is in Wuhan China. It’s called the National Biosafety Laboratory, and it’s part of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. That is the only lab in China currently equipped to experiment and deal with high-level viruses. And today, Wuhan China just so happens to be the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak.

    In the book, the virus was deliberately made as a biochemical weapon. In real life, we really don’t what they are doing, but we do know they experiment with dangerous pathogens. In addition, the Wuhan Institute of Virology is guilty of pervasive animal abuse and experimentation.  And instead of cremating infected animals which is supposed to be protocol, animals possibly infected with pathogens after experimentation were allegedly sold under the table for additional profits and most likely eaten. People in that part of the world are accustomed to eating animals that the Western world would frown upon.  People from the West shouldn’t be too quick to point a finger though, as citizen’s of many countries routinely eat possibly infected animal meat, just in a way normal to their respective country. However, yes, some instances are worse than others. The New York Post and other periodicals reported that some Chinese researchers sell their laboratory animals to street vendors after they have finished experimenting on them. Consequently, many people have postulated that one way or another, dangerous pathogens could have leaked out from this lab. So, whether as some diabolical premediated NWO plot, or by blunder, it is not far-fetched for the virus to have leaked out from this lab. And yes, it is a very strange coincidence for “patient zero” to come from Wuhan, China.  Not surprisingly, representatives from this lab have denied these claims.

    Mosher, Steven W. “Don’t Buy China’s Story: The Coronavirus May Have Leaked from a Lab.” New York Post, New York Post, 26 Feb. 2020,

    At any rate, pop culture predictions of a virus breaking loose from Asia may very well be one of many things on its way to make society scratch its temple in thought.

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