The Water Debate No One Cares About

    Many people are becoming more aware that society is very manipulated and strategically kept distracted. So much so, there are some things that should be huge news but aren’t. And one of the most serious things impacting public health that no one is talking about is the state of our water in the United States. The gravity of this situation simply isn’t real to most people because most aren’t aware of the ramifications, or do not understand the peril and therefore do not care. Consequently, societal ignorance and indifference is exactly what allows the many crimes against humanity to continue without a blip on the radar. Our water, the essential substance that human beings drink and use every single day has literally been poisoned, and there are many health consequences, but hardly anyone cares. Our media is controlled, so it’s another simple case of “out of site, out of mind”.

    In the United States, the decision to pump fluoride into the water system is one of the most baffling and psychotic decisions in modern history as it directly effects public health negatively in myriad ways. This was done under the widely believed false pretense that it improves teeth by preventing tooth decay. People are very often indoctrinated what to believe when powerful corporate entities or governments dictate “true lies”. However, if you press science professionals with the right questions, they will have to admit that the science pertaining to fluoride’s benefits was never even conclusive. And because the science is inconclusive, and with many known health risks to boot, the decision to fluoridate our water was insane.

    Applying Logic and Reason

    To this day, many people still believe fluoridated water is good for teeth even though 97% of the world does not fluoridate their water and teeth health in the US is inferior to many other countries like Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, and Ireland to name a few. Again, all the aforementioned countries do not fluoridate their water and have better teeth stats than the United States.  In fact, according to there are more people drinking fluoridated water in the United States alone than the rest of the world combined. So, if the United States does not have the world’s healthiest teeth, and most developed nations (with better teeth health) rejected fluoridation, what exactly is the evidence that fluoride improves teeth health? Many of the “junk science” justifications do not add up.

    The justification for fluoridated water came from American “studies” conducted that allegedly showed people who lived near water with naturally high levels of fluoride had better teeth health. However, this can easily be disproved when you compare national and universal data. To come to the very erroneous conclusion that fluoridated water is good for teeth health despite all the risks, obviously variables are a little off somewhere. Teeth health fluctuates country to country without fluoride being a factor and the decision to artificially implement fluoride has not been proven to improve teeth health anywhere.  Again, outside the US the countries with the best teeth health do not fluoridate the water.

    Fluoride is also put in most tooth pastes and dental products. If fluoridated products are already readily available to everyone why did it also need to be pumped in the water supply with absolutely no control on the dosage? Societal cluelessness and subservience to dictated corporate junk science has people being unconstitutionally force medicated without even knowing it.  From vaccines to fluoridated water, it is very difficult for many people to wake up and understand that lots of things rolled out are not necessarily done with public health in mind. And to further obliterate the fluoride myth, Harvard Public Health Magazine provided research proving that countries that do not fluoridate their water have actually seen improved teeth and a reduction of cavities. Fluoride is simply not a common denominator in improving teeth health stats anywhere.

    Drugs in the Water

    In addition to fluoride in the water is the existence of pharmaceuticals in the water. What’s worse is that there are currently no tests being done to show what the long-term effects of these miscellaneous drug cocktails are. At an alarming rate, pharmaceuticals are being washed, flushed and excreted into the water supply. So much so that the drugs in the water have even caused gender mutations of some frogs and fish in some areas. Again, you’d imagine something like this, if not a conspiracy theory, to be front page news. Think again. This has been proven and confirmed, but entities seem to be trying to scuttle this information instead of publicizing it. In fact, the attempt to deflect this information as a baseless conspiracy theory was attempted many times but the periodicals implying that were not being truthful. It’s true.

    Endocrinologist Tyrone B. Hayes’ research proved that atrazine, a chemical used in many pesticides that is washing out into bodies of water, caused frogs to mutate and behave like female frogs. After publishing the research, Hayes found himself being bullied, discredited by corporate shill scientists and threatened. Appearing on Democracy Now, Hayes told how he feared for his life and recalled the many attempts of scientific authorities trying to buy his research, discredit him, and intimidate him and his family.

    In an article in the April 16 issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, developmental endocrinologist Tyrone B. Hayes, associate professor of integrative biology, and his colleagues report that atrazine at levels often found in the environment demasculinizes tadpoles and turns them into hermaphrodites – creatures with both male and female sexual characteristics. The herbicide also lowers levels of the male hormone testosterone in sexually mature male frogs by a factor of 10, to levels lower than those in normal female frogs.

    Huge corporate conglomerates are making all sorts of decisions that are literally changing societal behavior, but of course, they don’t want anyone talking about it. Consequently American media covers it sometimes but never makes a big deal about this very big deal. Sports, politics and so many other less important things are front and center instead.

    Some periodicals used to easily write these things off as “conspiracy theories”. There are even published articles referring to anti-fluoridation perspectives as anti science. However, the powers that be are realizing they cannot do that so much anymore as we are in an age of information and many things are being exposed. The numerous negative effects of fluoride and pharmaceuticals in the water have been confirmed via peer reviewed research and published. It simply cannot be discredited or blown off. So the best move to avoid having to contend with these issues is keeping people distracted and focused on other things.

    Mercola, Joseph. “Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ.” HuffPost, HuffPost, 7 Dec. 2017,

    We’re not talking about some product for sale, we’re talking about the water we drink and bathe in every day. So yes, this is a very serious big deal. So why is no one up in arms? Why do people go along as if this isn’t serious? One of the many unreported side effects of fluoride is passivity and docility. So if ever anyone wonders why no one seems to be making any noise about this, who knows, maybe it’s the fluoride.

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