Why Media Hardly Covered the Huge Vaccine Rally in Albany

    If you want to know where the truth is hiding these days, one thing to search around for and look into are massive events that mainstream media outlets choose not to report on. That being said, thousands of people poured onto the steps of the state Supreme Court in Albany on Wednesday, August 14, 2019 to protest against the removal of vaccine exemptions. Civil rights attorney Michael Sussman who is representing dozens of families in Orange County suing the state said, “The court personnel said there’s never been such an assemblage in Albany in court before”. The event brought out hordes of people who are being drowned out and overruled, people who have had enough.

    The media which is provably in the pharmaceutical industry’s pocket has done a powerfully effective job in dominating public thought and stifling the anti-vaccination perspective. It wasn’t long before they even resorted to full on censorship and began punishing pro-choice opinions all over the internet and social media. Unfortunately, the masses, perhaps influenced by the media, believed this was good being done in the name of public safety. Consequently, people fighting for the right to choose or to preserve religious exemptions were marginalized, ridiculed, lumped all together and labeled “anti-vaxxers” by a propagandized majority and blown off. So when the time was ripe, state-to-state, they began eliminating all rights to exemptions and made vaccines mandatory for all. Those who refuse vaccination can now face fines or punishment.

    Even though the pharmaceutical giants currently own many talking heads and majority opinion, they are learning they will not get their way easily and without a fight.

    Who Are the “Anti-vaxxers”?

    It’s safe to assume that Big Pharma did not want rally’s like the one in Albany covered in the media that might allow people to see and hear who they’ve been ridiculing. Media platforms constantly use the label “anti-vaxxers” as if it were psychological stratagem to deliberately marginalize the anti-vaccination perspective. The negative connotations loaded into the “anti-vaxx” label are that they are a bunch of paranoid anti-science kooks. Despite the propagated mischaracterizations, the people fighting against mandatory vaccination are not just some barefoot tree hugging hippies. The huge and steady growing number of people supporting the right to choose consist of many nurses and former medical industry personnel, parents who have children that were diagnosed with ailments like autism immediately after vaccination, vegan and holistic health communities, religious people of various faiths, and intelligent people from all walks of life who understand the importance of protecting basic human rights and stopping government force medication. These people had to deal with a programmed majority denigrating their opinion without bothering to listen or understand it.

    When people post memes and ridicule anti-vaccination perspectives, most of the time they aren’t aware of who they are belittling unnecessarily. For example, there are many parents who believed in vaccination like everyone else, but have children who became autistic immediately after vaccination. So naturally, they no longer support them or believe they should be mandatory for everyone. Others may be people who already live healthy holistic lifestyles and spent decades never even getting sick, and would rather not have government forcing them to take toxic medication they feel they don’t need. Posting memes and ridiculing these people is mindlessly doing the bidding of Big Pharma by completely ignoring reasonable objections or the constitutional argument, and keeping the heat off the vaccination industry.

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke to the crowds saying if the state was truly concerned about a measles outbreak it already had adequate protocols in place to contain, quarantine and address any outbreak. However, he feels the pharmaceutical industry was more concerned with using the sensationalized outbreaks as a pretext to expand the power of the pharmaceutical industry and increase profit.  The applauding crowd of thousands seemed to agree.

    The Unwavering Voices

    The Pharmaceutical industry currently has a stronghold on popular opinion and subsidizes most of the information we see, read and hear about vaccines. However, the tide is slowly changing as more people are seeing the importance of maintaining the right to choose.

    Vaccines do many things to the human body that most people do not realize, including the calcification of the pineal gland. Regardless, it is true that most children who get vaccinated will not experience any detectable adverse reactions and most will seem perfectly fine.  However, what Big Pharma is not telling people is that although most children will not experience adverse reactions, some children will. This is not an opinion, this is fact.  And due to race, gender and other variables, some children are at a higher risk than others to experience adverse reactions. This is why growing numbers of people feel cookie cutter mandated medical procedures or drugs should never be normalized. Many who attended the rally feel it should be up to the parents. Instead of mandated vaccination, some people would rather consult their private doctors after carefully exploring all the individual risks to see if vaccination is truly the way to go for their child. These people feel that it should never be a governments place to mandate medical procedures or medicine for all children.  All children are not the same. At any rate, despite what the majority was made to believe, vaccines are not necessary for every child, nor are unvaccinated children the reason for outbreaks.

    Corporate mouthpieces keep ridiculing dissenters and asserting that vaccines don’t cause autism. However, the evidence in the hands of lawyers representing families tell a different story. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid over 4 billion to families who proved that vaccines caused autism or other adverse reactions and ailments, but the CDC and most professionals keep denying it anyway.  

    There are thousands of families all over the United States who like everyone else, believed vaccination was the responsible and logical thing to do, but noticed changes in their child’s behavior immediately after vaccination. These children were later diagnosed with autism or other ailments, and these families believe that it was because of the vaccination. In fact, like the case of Hannah Poling, some of these families proved it in court.

    Brueck, Hilary. “Inside 'Vaccine Court,' Where the US Government Pays Millions to People Who Say They Were Harmed by Vaccines.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 16 Mar. 2019, www.businessinsider.com

    The vaccine debate has become a “David and Goliath” scenario in which Big Pharma is trying to impose its will and make vaccination mandatory all across the board for all children and adults in the guise of public health and safety. The pharmaceutical industry also has pretty much all the of the media and all health platforms in its arsenal. However, a growing minority armed with information, facts, evidence and personal experience will not be silenced and will not back down.

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